The Symphony of Creation: Exploring the Power of Sound in Spirituality

Embryo's Big bang

By the time the embryo reaches 16  to 24 weeks, all the five senses develop except for the eyes, nose, and mouth, which are still filled with fluids. As a result, the developing fetus experiences the sense of hearing and vibrations first. The sounds and voices from the external environment, including the language spoken by the mother and father, are audible to the fetus. It is almost like a baptism with sound, vibrations, and water. We all experience our own evolution, our own Big Bang - at the beginning, there is emptiness, and suddenly, there is this explosion of infinity and development

Sound and Creation

In the Abrahamic religions, The Word was present in the beginning, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God and the world appeared. In ancient Egypt, the same thing was taught. The god of technology would have felt the world deep in his heart, and then would have manifested it through speech.

In Aztec mythology, the god Quetzalcoatl had to use a conch shell to generate the vibration that gave birth to the first wave of life. Similarly, the Inuits believe that the world was created by the Raven flapping its wings and creating the bones and everything else through sound. It seems that throughout different cultures and times, there is a belief that sound was fundamental to creation, but also at the heart of the entire universe.

 In the Vedas, OM, is a mystic syllable, considered the most sacred mantra in Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism. "om" used to be felt in the body but not spoken. This is why the link between sound and vibration is so evident, because in the end, sound is just a vibration.

Most spiritual currents use sound. It connects us to the Universe, to unity, to "our true nature," our divine essence. Everything that exists is vibration. Therefore, everything that exists is "sound." In fact The universe is an immense orchestra of information.


Different frequencies of sound waves have varying effects on the human body. 

- Infrasound (inaudible to humans), ranges from 0 to 20 Hz and has a calming effect on the body.
- Low frequencies, ranging from 20 to 400 Hz, have a grounding effect and can stimulate the immune system.
- Medium frequencies, ranging from 400 to 2,000 Hz, are associated with emotional balance and creativity.
- High frequencies, ranging from 2,000 to 20,000 Hz, have a stimulating effect and can improve focus and concentration. Ultrasound (inaudible to humans) ranges from + 20,000 Hz.

Therefore, it is not because we are not able to perceive a sound that it does not exist. Indeed, humans can perceive sounds ranging from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. However, cats can hear up to 65,000 Hz, dolphins up to 500,000 Hz, and elephants use infrasound to communicate several kilometers away. On the other hand, it is not because we do not perceive a sound that it does not have an impact on our being. When you sing in your mind (without using your vocal apparatus), you actually emit a vibration that travels through your being from the inside and also spreads outside your body.

Sound waves have the ability to move matter. Therefore, sound vibrates all the fluids in the body, Then these movements accelerate cellular exchanges and the circulation of waste and toxins in the body.

Benefits of Sound in Spirituality

Sound healing is an ancient practice that uses the vibration of sound to heal the body and mind by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Many spiritual traditions use sound to connect with the divine and promote a deeper sense of connection. The use of sound can also stimulate creativity, promote mindfulness, and release negative energy.

Steps for How to Incorporate Sound in Your Spiritual Practice:


Create a sacred space: Choose a quiet and calming space to practice, and create a sacred atmosphere with candles, incense, or other sensory elements.

Choose your sound toolsExperiment with different sound tools, such as singing bowls, gongs, or music, to find what resonates with you.

Set an intention: Before you begin, set an intention for your practice. This can be a specific goal, simply a desire to connect with your spiritual self or  for prayer.

Incorporate sound into meditation: Add sound to your meditation practice by playing calming music or using singing bowls to deepen your meditation experience.

Create a sound ritual: Develop a sound ritual that incorporates your favorite sound tools and creates a sense of sacredness in your practice.

Use sound for healing: Explore the healing benefits of sound by focusing on specific chakras, tasbihs, prayers or using sound to promote relaxation and stress reduction, it can also help to create a sense of connection with the divine.

Vocal-Vibration Meditation(VVM)vocal cord meditation involves vocalizations, such as humming or chanting, to stimulate the vibrations in the vocal cords. These vibrations can create a resonant frequency that can travel through our body, calming the nervous system and promoting a sense of relaxation and serenity.

Remember to experiment and have fun with your sound practice. There are no rules, and your practice can evolve and change over time

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